The Christian Agent

Stewarding the Whole Agent: From 0 to 60 Million In 6 Years

In this episode, Garrett welcomes Adam Taylor, a former pro baseball player and successful real estate agent, to discuss the concept of stewardship in both personal and professional life. They explore how to grow as individuals and professionals by focusing on the whole person, separating identity from activity, and taking actionable steps towards growth. Adam shares his journey from zero to sixty million in real estate sales, emphasizing the importance of building a strong foundation, hiring the right people, and maintaining a focus on stewardship. The conversation highlights the significance of mentorship and the need to be faithful with the opportunities given to us.


Stewardship of the whole person is essential for success.
Separating activity from identity helps maintain self-worth.
Growth requires action and stepping out of comfort zones.
Daily growth in wisdom, stature, favor with man, and favor with God is crucial.
Random planning leads to random results; intentionality is key.
Understanding your market and being tactically excellent is vital.
Hiring the right people can help scale your business effectively.
Mentorship is a two-way street; always seek to mentor others.
Faithfulness in stewardship leads to greater opportunities.
Success is not just about numbers; it's about being a good steward. 


00:00 Introduction to the Podcast and Guest
02:21 Stewardship of the Whole Person
06:49 Separating Activity from Identity
13:12 Growing in Wisdom, Stature, Favor with Man, and Favor with God
20:55 Taking Action for Growth
25:56 From Zero to Sixty Million: The Journey
30:17 The Importance of Stewardship

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Welcome back, Faithful Agents. Welcome to another podcast episode of the Faithful Agent. And for your delight, it's not just me today. No, it's not Tyler, but we have another former slash current pro baseball player on the podcast, guys, so you're gonna wanna stick around. Tyler's not coming back, it seems like, right? So we're replacing him with someone way better. And Tyler, I love you and I hope you hear that. Not that you listen to me anymore, because you hear me talk enough, buddy. But we are excited that y'all are with us once again. A few quick housekeeping items. If you're not part of a local group, go to backslash local groups or just Click local groups. If you are a fan of the podcast, will you please leave a five star review wherever you listen, but most importantly, share this with a friend. The heart and hope in this is that we will help Christian agents everywhere around the globe grow their business and their faith. So I would love for you to do that and appreciate you faithful listeners. So let's dive in today. It's been a while, right? You all know it's been a while since I've had a guest on because quite honestly, I just had a lot to say. know, Adam, sometimes that happens, brother. And I was like, I'm just gonna go solo. And I'll tell you super quick and bright before I introduce Adam Taylor. So the other day, My wife asked me a question, something related to one of the businesses we're doing, And I just start giving her an answer, and my answer continued to give me more of an answer, and I just kept going, right? And she just started laughing and said, you know, it's been like 15 minutes and I haven't said anything. And she's like, this is why you do podcast episodes for 30 minutes while it's just you, because you don't need anybody else, you just talk to yourself, and you have a good conversation about it, so. But I know you guys are gonna be excited to listen to Adam Taylor today, man. So super excited to hear, buddy. Adam Taylor was a US Army officer, is and was a pro baseball player, still has a contract with the Atlantic League. In six years, he has grown the number one Keller Williams team in the Carolinas, North and South Carolina. And most importantly, he's married with three kiddos. And our topic today, Adam was going to be one of our speakers at the Faithful Aging Conference that we canceled. Our topic today is how we went from zero to 60 million in six years, stewardship of the whole person. So y'all are gonna wanna check this out. Adam, welcome to the show, buddy. I am so glad you're here, man. Thanks for hopping on with me. Yeah, I appreciate it, man. And I didn't tell you this either. My first job ever was in radio. And I was one of those guys as well that I could sit there and talk. And I could talk about sports. And then I would just keep talking to myself. And it would just keep going. And I was my own play-by-play and color commentator. Yeah, so it's quite the skill that you have. But I do appreciate you having me on today. dude, pumped you're here. super, super passionate about really just, I think when you boil it down to just working hard for something worthwhile. there's a lot of, just to be very honest with you, there's a lot of people out there who are a lot better than I am when it comes to maybe scripting or calling for sale by owners or maybe people that do certain things a little bit better than I do. But I think really the reason that we've had some success is I'm pretty good. about maybe 80 % level across the board. And what I mean by that is, know, stewarding the whole person, the health, wealth, joy, you know, joy, the whole thing, all of these things build into just having a life by design, having a life that's fulfilled. And so, Really taking care of the person first and the soul and the spirit first is then going to lead to what we call the self-actualization of like, let's get to everything that God has called us to be, but we can't get there, in my opinion, without those bottom level disciplines and that health, wealth, all of that, that bottom layer of that pyramid, that triangle taken care of. that's really what I love to help people learn about. And hopefully we can help some people learn that. here today on the podcast. Yeah, no doubt. love it, man. I... I often say, right, and when you and I were talking about what we're going to do at the conference and what you wanted to do, like I love that concept of stewardship of the whole person, the whole agent, right? Because it is so true. And I'm often talking to people saying, you're so much more than a real estate agent, right? I mean, the, you know, your broker or if you're, you know, maybe your team leader, if you're on a team and it's not great or whatever it is, right? Like whatever your scenario, it's easy. Even we box ourselves in to say like, what do you do? I'm a real estate agent, right? As if that's, that's it actually, you know, ironically I said this this more than just real estate agents. I'm introducing myself to one of the parents who had come up to me, was the first time he'd come to a game, and he said, hey, tell me what you do, tell me about you. was like, I'm a real estate agent. And he's like, that's cool. And my wife is standing there, she says, you're way more than a real estate agent, right? You also have other businesses, you have a podcast, right? You had just written a book. But I whittle myself down to this box, that this is who I am. And so we tend to forget, no, you're way more than. that, right? And Lord has more for you than that. So when we talk about stewardship of the whole person and you say these baseline disciplines, what do you mean? What baseline disciplines do we need to get under control first that allows us to build everything else? What do you think? So many thoughts that go into that and I'll make a quick point that I think it's really important to separate your activity from your identity because whenever you separate yourself from your activity, your identity can remain. But if you build it in the wrong order, let's say that activity, whether it's being an agent, being a parent or whatever you're doing, if you're putting too much stock into that, if you will, your whole life turns upside down or you know what, maybe you're riding the high because that thing is going well. or it's a low spot because that thing, whatever that thing is, isn't going well. So, think it's important to separate the activity from the identity, but I think, yep. powerful. So I wanna unpack that for a sec. I wrote that down. Separate activity from identity. Can you unpack that a little bit more? What does that mean? Yeah, so we as people, especially as achievers and in the business world, we wake up and we spend 80 % of our waking time more than likely doing a job, becoming good at something, making money, investing money. Are we gonna have enough? Do we have too little? All of those questions that come out of a good thing that is work, but the byproduct of work... can lead you to this sense of, I'm getting really good at my job, therefore I'm really good at this job. I'm a really good person and God's really blessing me through this. But what happens when you get fired? Or what happens when you get laid off? What happens whenever you have a major medical expense and that account gets drained? Are you somehow therefore worse of a person or did you do something bad? Were you on God's bad side? What I'm trying to say is it's very important to separate out your worth and identity in Christ from the things that you do on a daily basis because if you don't, you're going to be riding the highs and lows because we all know that there's highs and lows in life. But to center and ground yourself on truth, that your activity is not your identity is a very, very healthy thing and something I've really had to learn in a pretty... high leverage situation. I'll just take it, you know, tell you my junior year of college, I was one of the top division two prospects in all of college baseball, was supposed to be a top 10 round draft pick. And I became a baseball player who happened to be a Christian rather than Christian who happened to play baseball. I became somebody that I wasn't. became a bad teammate. I became a player that I wasn't because I had a scout that told me that you needed to hit X amount of home runs so that you will be drafted. It changed my mentality. It changed me as a person because it became me focused rather than the team focus. And instead of, Freshman year, year one at North Greenville, I was the college World Series MVP. I was an All-American. My sophomore year, I was the national player of the year for all the independent colleges in the United States. My junior year, I was none of those things. I went from hitting 400 to 260. I mean, one of the sharpest declines, it was almost inexplicable. Outside of this was a character building moment for me in the second that I put my head back on straight my senior year It all picked right back up. But at that point I had lost the opportunity to get drafted at a high level and you're talking hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, I mean, for me at that time, hugely high level of high stakes and I failed in that moment. But I'll tell you, I would not trade that failure and that time for anything now because I've learned how to, and I've continued to fail at things, but nothing in my life has been as quite a big of an emotional roller coaster as that. And now I'm very much more centered on Christ and understanding that You know what? Even if I lose three or four deals in a day, the sun's gonna come up tomorrow. God's gonna provide. But only going through a huge season of failure only taught me that. Hmm. It's amazing the experiences that the Lord grants us, right? That in the moment, right? Just doesn't feel very good, right? Because, you know, the sanctification of having things burned off, it's not meant to feel good. That's the whole point, right? Like things that need to die in our sinful nature is not typically, my prayer is, Lord, just take this leg, like, let it be super easy. Just scrape it away while I'm sleeping, right? He's like, you know, there's more to learn, you know, in this moment and I remember actually a conversation was having with Tyler because I was doing coaching my group coaching earlier today and someone in the group was saying I know there's things I need to stop doing but it's just so hard for me to let them go right I've committed and but I just I don't want to let go right how many of us are like that we've said yes to something and now we're like I should have said no but I just keep doing it anyways well I remember I am that way too and I'm having a conversation with Tyler and he says Garrett just like when I was was a pitcher just like when I was a pitcher, man, sometimes you just lose the game and you gotta just accept like I lost and and I get it, you know, the beauty is like we have to go out and try again and and for us it's like I literally get to restart the next day if I want to but sometimes you just lose and is that not what life is and I think that's that was a pivotal moment for me to say Gary you're not always gonna win every game that you play right sometimes you're just going to lose and isn't that okay because You're a human. There's no way you're gonna nobody wins all the time, but it's like we've gotten into this habit I love that you're talking about again separating activity from identity We've gotten into this habit and I think this conversation being so crucial with the way the markets been it was amazing that all of a sudden went away and Agents wondering are they any good at this? Should they stay should they not what what's going on? Right? Did the Lord call them to this? Did he not call them to this? What's going on? Is that yeah, sometimes you're gonna lose but just because you lose doesn't mean that you're playing the wrong sport, right? Or just because you lose doesn't mean that your identity has been changed. Because like you said, in Christ we already have a secure identity. None of that's gonna change. Lord doesn't look at you because you have a big team and look at me because I don't have as big a team and say, well Adam's better than Garrett. That's we're looked at in our faithfulness, not the size of the business that we have, but the faithfulness with what we've been given. So okay, so I love that. So Lord makes you go through that. that painful experience, right? What a massive shift for you to think like this is gonna be amazing, I'm gonna get drafted and then all of sudden, why did I have a terrible year? Right? It's so applicable to real estate and so many other things as well, right? So, okay, so I cut you off because I applaud you because I love that idea. We have to separate our activity from our identity, which is totally true. Okay, so continue on with those disciplines you were talking about, those baseline disciplines that we need to be working on. Well, the next thing I was going to talk about, I think it's really cool because I specifically remember I was in Niagara Falls playing summer baseball and we had a chaplain that came in to talk about building the whole person. And he kind of gave us a sermon, if you will, on Luke 2 52. And Luke 2 52, if you're not familiar with the story, is after Mary and Joseph forgot Jesus at the temple. and as they turned back around they hadn't seen him a couple days and they... it's actually the last time that we hear from Jesus until his ministry began and Luke 2 52 says that during that whole quiet season that you don't really hear from Jesus in the Bible that Jesus grew four ways in wisdom, in stature, favor with man, and favor with God. So I remember because I've always kind of been obsessed about living a well-balanced life. I was like, you know what, that makes so much sense to me that every day we've got to grow in wisdom. We've got to learn something. Every day we should be growing in our stature. We've got to be taking care of our bodies, exercising our bodies. We're built to do hard things. Growing in favor with man, you know, taking relationships seriously. networking and networking for the sake of each other and not selfish game and then favor with man and then favor with God, spending appropriate time daily with God and that's one of those that I feel like that was by far the most important in my opinion and it's one of those that I think we sometimes ball up and throw away that we'll get to it later. But I think those are the four things, if I break it down into certain categories that, you know, Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, favor with man, favor with God. Why are we not growing daily in wisdom, stature, favor with man, favor with God? really good. Yeah, I I love that, mean biblical rights of course I love that concept right, but the simplicity of that, the challenge of that, but the simplicity of that right, to keep that as your focus is when you said stature admittedly I was like I'm pretty short dude, I haven't grown in stature in like 20 years so I think that one's out for me. But no I love that, I love that concept too is the simplicity of those focus, wisdom, stature, favor with man, favor with God. How do you coach slash implement that in your own life or help somebody else do that? Right, because I think there's... how many of us are good at getting ready to get ready but don't actually take action, right? And I think to myself and I encourage other people, you never thought your way out of your problem or thought your way into a better life. You acted your way there. Now had to learn new thoughts, right? But you acted your way there. You don't just sit there and I'll tell you a quick story, Adam, this is maybe related, but it's funny so I'll just share it anyway. So okay, so I have this guy, I normally say this buddy in college, but the truth is didn't really like him that much. But anyways, He's this guy in college who lived in this house. I lived with eight Christian guys. There's eight Christian guys in college and it was an awesome house. Well, he would always talk about, he's a senior in college. He's like, man, I really want to get married. And we're like, all right, bro, that's awesome, man. Like go meet a girl. And he's like, no, dude, I'm just going to stay here and I'm just going to pray. And the Lord is going to bring her to this house and she's going to introduce herself in order to get married. And we're like, dude, did like, I mean, I can never say no, cause the Lord can do whatever he wants, right? That's not how this works, man. You can't just sit there and hope that it's gonna happen. You got to get out and do something. Growth in wisdom, growth in stature, growth in favor with man, growth in favor with God is inherently an action that comes from that. But I think we often operate like this guy Jeff who said, I'm just gonna sit here and I'm a believer so the Lord's gonna bring me business. that's not how this works, you know? He could, he could do anything so I'm not gonna say he can't, that's not how we set up the world, right? We've got to get out there. We've got to take action. So how do you help people get into that rhythm and get into that mindset to actually grow in these areas? Yeah, you know, this is, say, this is kind of where my military background comes into play is that, you know, sometimes you just have to do it. You know, and it's one of those things that, that could seem like a callous answer or being like a jerk, but if you truly identify those four areas in your life and you're not taking the actions to get there, you're running the risk of being a hypocrite. And so how I personally do it, it's a lot of times, me lead the charge. Let me show these people that daily I'm gonna do these things. And I might fire off an email at six in the morning sometimes just so that my team might know that I'm awake. Nobody's gonna outwork me. on my team in a healthy way. want them to see that their leader cares more about them, cares more about his body, cares more about his family. So yeah, I'm up early. I'm getting my... you know, my physical training in, and I do hard stuff, you know, do CrossFit, and a lot of them are like, you know, it's too hard for me. Well, I'm a little bit of a sucker for that, you know, because if I get the hardest thing that I do through the day done before 7 a.m., the rest of the day is easy, honestly. And, you know, so, so, you know, I make sure that I'm checking in on, are you taking care of your body? How are you eating? How are you exercising? Taking care of your temple? And then, you know, the wisdom side of things. There is no, it is not comfortable being in a growth season ever. because you're learning new things, you could settle in and just go home and just relax. But one of the things that I'm learning right now is probably going to be taking my Series 65 to kind of get a better understanding of the financial world. Now I already have a really good understanding of it, but if I can truly advise my client from start to finish all the way through through everything, that's going to give my platform even more credibility. But instead of me going home and watching Netflix for two hours, I'm gonna be having my nose in a book and that's not comfortable. None of these things are comfortable, growth is not in a comfort zone. growing in favor with man. you know, relationships are hard inherently. learning how to do conflict management, learning how to commit to going to business networking events and actually caring about that person and getting their contact information and placing them in your CRM so that your follow-up can be on schedule and not random. Like there's an art to relationships and a of people, you know, lot of people people would say, I'm great with people. Well, are you really, you know, or, is it just random? And so, you know, I have this saying that random planning equals random results. so, if life is random, then nothing is... you can't set your watch by anything. all of those things really, I think, build a solid base of a person. And those are the things that I kind of look at as wisdom, stature, favor with man, favor with God. How are we doing in all of those things? Again, I love that. It's just... So clear right of these are the things that we do. These are the things we think about right? This is where we focus our attention again being more than just a real estate agent and even if we want to succeed at the highest level Well, we also have to discipline our bodies as well, right and we have to You know, my wife was making this comment the other day She we were talking about I've got this e-course, right? And anyways, I won't go into that but she said, you know if you want to actually be successful and selling these things, it does require you pay attention to what you eat, you pay attention to what you wear, you pay attention to all of these things, not only as a way to honor the Lord, but also because the nature of humans is if I look at someone and say, one of my buddies, a good buddy named Ethan, was a Marine, very healthy, great shape, right, like just in good shape, takes care of his body. And you look at him and it's like if you said something, I would trust you inherently more than someone who just doesn't take care of themselves at all right and I wish that wasn't necessarily true because the way you discipline your body doesn't necessarily mean that you don't offer wisdom right that's not true but the reality is it's looking at these aspects we are whole people we view others as whole people and so we therefore must also invest into ourselves as the whole person right I love that concept of that I mean the the the Statue of Your Kid just something that you thought of because I did CrossFit little while. And I remember we had a gentleman on the show maybe like two years ago, Adam. And this is a side note, but he, were talking about CrossFit and he says, yeah, I do CrossFit. And I'm like, it's amazing. It's awesome. You do CrossFit. He's actually in Charlotte, North Carolina. And he says, yeah, every morning I wake up and I, what do you say? I pray, I pray that my, my clothes fit. Now I totally butchered that, but he was like, no, he said I crossed my heart and prayed that my clothes fit. That was his CrossFit. I was like, that's I don't think that's what we meant but I love that idea. But that's just so simple man and I appreciate your heart because I want to shift into how do you go from zero to sixty million in six years. I think so much of what we've talked about is like one of the ways you're stewarding yourself but stewarding your agent into something greater right. Again going back to the idea of separate activity from identity. doesn't mean just because our identity is secure in Christ, doesn't mean we're not called to improve ourselves and our nature, right? It doesn't mean that we don't seek to stop sinning, right? It doesn't mean that we don't seek to be healthier physically, mentally, spiritually, all of those emotionally. It doesn't mean we don't seek to grow in our knowledge of the Lord just because, cool, I'm comfortable now, the Lord has saved me and he's not gonna take that away, right? He's not gonna leave me nor forsake me. I'm just gonna chill like that's not what we're called to do. It is this action of Excuse me of discipline and discipline is such a bad word for most of us, right? but that's the result of success or the the precursor to success is Tyler has always says you control the controllables, right? How did you become a pro baseball player? How did he become a pro baseball player? He got excellent at the little things He got excellent at the fundamentals and that's this Discipline right so you you build this foundation of discipline right growth and wisdom growth and stature favor with man favor with God How do you though take because a lot of people say okay cool I can do that But then how do you go from zero to 60 million right in six years? That's it and not everybody's gonna be called to that So agent if you're hearing this and you're like I better grow a big team and go to six like maybe the Lord's not Calling you to that right we don't need to be copycats. We're all different members of the body So don't look and say well I gotta be like Adam If I'm gonna succeed, maybe you need to grow a hundred million team Maybe you need to just stay home and homeschool your kids and sell ten homes a year I don't know right, but the Lord has called you to something specific But I do know that you're not gonna get there without being excellent in the stewardship of yourself First and then your family whoever you're called to right and sorry for this sound My son just tried to stick something into our fan and it made a terrible sound. Let's not do that again, So how do you take Adam? Team or yourself from zero to sixty million walk us through that man. How did you do that? Well, I think it all starts with being a, a tactician. You know, you've got to be basically a technician who is tactically excellent at your craft. You know, what I mean by that is understanding your market statistics like nobody else. Understanding how to interact with clients, how to objection handle, how to win people over, how to gain trust, how to be trustworthy. All of those things, you've got to figure that out for yourself first, in my opinion. And then what happens is, you're probably growing a repeat and referral size business, you're getting a whole lot coming in, you're probably getting really, really, really busy, probably don't have a whole lot of you time, and you're like, I have got to have some help. That's exactly what happened to me. So really, let's see here, 2020. I made my first hire in December of 2020 and I made a really good first hire. Kyle, who was our director of operations for a while and now is our lead producing agent, came in and really helped me get stuff out of my brain and onto paper and repeatable systems and just something better than me writing down stuff on a big old whiteboard, which is what it was. The whiteboard is not scalable. You cannot grow a business off of a whiteboard. And so it's hiring excellent people who are operational brain, because I can always teach salesmanship to an operator, but most salespeople don't want to be an operator. Hmm. have an operator mindset. it is only through leveraging people, trading money for time back, taking care of those people that are entrusted to you. I have one of my mentors that tells me whoever takes on a servant takes on a master. And I think servant is a word that is sometimes looked down on, but you know those that God entrust to you, it is your job to look after them. It is your job to create vision and opportunities for them, to take care of them financially, spiritually. Check in on them. And so my first hire took me from 12 to 18 million, but we got really good with systems. My second hire was a transaction coordinator that took us from 18 to 25 million. But we got to the point that we had so much quantity going on that our quality started to suffer. So then we hired Laura, who was excellent on the quality end of things. And we made a little incremental bump. We went from 25 to 27 million, but our quality got so much better. Well, then fast forward the next year because we had systems and processes quality in place and when we were tactically excellent at what we did, we jumped from 27 million to 47 million. One year. One year. And then at that point, because we had built such a solid foundation, we kept building the administrative support side of the business. And then once we had that side set, other agents started coming to us and saying, I don't know what you're doing, but I want to, I want a part of it. And so then we started adding agents. and where we're at now is really, I'm trying to replicate myself and my skillset and my passion level through other agents. I'm taking a little step back, more of a training and teaching element. But I'm still producing a lot and I'm still helping these agents learn how to be excellent at their craft while leveraging a whole admin team that's behind them. And this year, last year we did 47 million, this year we're on pace to do 60. And in the next year, we're thinking our goal is good. We're gonna set it at 80 million. So we'll see where we end up. No, it's amazing. And again, I think it's the aspect of stewardship, right? Again, that was the original zero to 60 million to six years stewardship of the whole person. think it is that word stewardship that is the foundation of everything you're talking about. Stewardship of the gifts, talents, skills that you've been given, right? The opportunity that you've been given. Stewardship of the people that the Lord has placed in your life. Stewardship of not wasting and squandering the experience in college of being amazing to not, right, all of a sudden and having that taken away, like not the stewardship of not wasting the lessons that could be learned there, the stewardship of knowing what you are and aren't good at and finding talent, right, to come around you of people who are good at those things and letting them steward that piece of your business, right? Like so much of this comes down to the recognition of we are stewards. We're gonna succeed in my opinion. We're stewards of people. We are not stewards of every single gift that exists. That was difficult for me personally Adam to understand and accept early on before I started building out a team is, Garrett, I know you want to be excellent at all of these things. Cool, good for you bro. You're not going to be. You're not all of these things. No single person is all of these things. Therefore, what is the Lord specifically called you to steward? that well. Right? And then if you need something else or to your point if something is lacking then find someone to steward that part and then steward them. You know stewardship is such a broad concept that we could talk forever about it not actually get to the end of it right? But the reality of how do we steward ourselves first and set the example? How do we then steward you know I've talked on the show many times about the hierarchy of attention right? The biblical concept of the hierarchy of attention. We first steward our relationship with the Lord. We steward ourselves, we steward then our spouse if we're married, then our kids, and then finally our business. But for you to say, want to, how do I teach other people to have the same passion and skill set and things that you do? Well, part of that is how do we steward the whole agent, right? Because if someone that is in your life or agent, if you're listening and you think, well, someone's trying to make me be really excellent in real estate, but my marriage is struggling. It's hard for me to think that someone could totally be struggling in one area and completely succeeding in the other. I guess that's possible, right? But it doesn't seem likely, certainly not for a believer. And so the stewardship concept of the whole person applies to you, agent that's listening, it applies to you first. Remember, Luke 2.52, right? Is that what you said, Adam? Luke 2.52, grow in wisdom, grow in stature, grow in favor with man, grow in favor with God. what a great way to go out each day and start that and say, that's where my heart's going to be. Adam is stewarding right now a $60 million business. Maybe next year it'll be 80 million. Again, don't hear this agent and say, I guess I should go do that too. Your job is to be faithful with what the Lord has put in front of you. If that's people, steward them well. If that's your real estate business, steward that well. If you're a transaction coordinator, steward that well. And then see where the Lord might take you. And just continue to be a good steward and who knows where you're gonna end up. So be encouraged. not discourage when you hear someone who's succeeding in ways that you aren't. That's okay. Maybe that's not who you're called to be. We each are looked upon based on our faithfulness and Adam is not perfect in his faithfulness by any means. How do I know that? Because he's a human and so there's no other option. His job is to be as excellent as he can be just like yours wherever your situation. So man, I love all of that Adam. Brother, if they want to learn more from you or connect with you or send you a referral, how do they do that? How would they do that? yeah, awesome. Now, I'm extremely approachable. So if you're out there listening, in fact, I'll say this real quick. There's a guy named Mike Mendoza who I have not even reached out to yet. And he pitched in the big leagues with the Astros back in the day. And I see that he is I think he's out west somewhere and I have it on my list to do this week is to reach out to him because I want to connect with him. And I guarantee you that he's going to be probably extremely approachable and as am I, I'm a normal guy. And so give me a call, shoot me a text, shoot me an email, I will respond. It will be me, not one of my assistants. My email address is real, as in real estate, R-E-A-L, Adam Taylor, A-D-A-M-T-A-Y-L-O-R, at at KW like Kellar Reins at and my cell is 864-981-0222. And the reason I bring that guy up who I've never met before is that I'm a firm believer that you should always have a mentor and you should always be mentoring someone else. So I fully plan to reach out to Mike and say, hey man, you know, what you got? And so, and I've never met him before. So if you're listening to this and you're like, hey, you know what? want to connect with Adam, even though you've never connected with me before I would love to do that. Man, I love that. And just as an encouragement, Christian agents, exactly what Adam said there at the end, have a mentor, be a mentor. All of you, whether you feel like it or not, you have something to offer somebody. It's easy, I think, for me to feel like, I need to be mentored and not think that, I could go mentor somebody else. The beauty of the biblical community is all of us pouring into one another. Like Adam did today on the podcast, like you can do with the agent in your neighborhood or the... meeting with two 17 year old guys at the church, right? Like, I don't know what I'm doing, but neither do they. So it's perfect. They know almost as much as I do. I've just been around longer than they have, right? Like you can go pour yourself into other people. And I think Adam, you're such a great example of how not only is that the right way for us to honor the Lord, it also is great business, right? To just love on people and do that well. So Adam Taylor, man, I appreciate you so much, buddy. We could talk forever and My wife's probably gonna laugh if she well not that she listens to the show. Let's be honest She hears me talk enough, but if she heard me say I could talk forever She would laugh and say you definitely can but especially man with somebody of your wisdom and humility So I appreciate you so much. So thanks for being part of the community and hopefully when we can reschedule the conference We'll get you back out there man. will make this happen, buddy. But yeah, I I appreciate you so much Adam agents Thanks so much for listening. We love you We hope that this will help you grow your business and your faith share this with a friend and I will see you next week.